About Caitlin

I'm Caitlin and I am a student in upstate New York studying Biology and English.  I know this sounds like a weird combination but as I dove into classes at my college I found I could not separate science from English.  Perhaps it is my never ending need to know what is going on with everything including the head of writers.  When I am not at school I am spending my time in a small town located in coastal Maine.  I love being outside and a lot of my writing comes from the things I saw while growing up in this beautiful region of Maine.

Reading and writing are my major hobbies, although I do play a little tennis and piano.  I read mostly science fiction and fantasy, though I will read other genres occasionally.  I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan, because who isn't, but I also love the Hunger Games and Nineteen Eighty-Four.  As for writing I find that I have a bit of an attention problem when it comes to projects.  I mostly stick to short stories and sloppy poetry.  I hope that one day my name will be on the cover of a novel, though.

This blog will include most things reading and writing related.  As you can imagine I love analyzing writing so don't be alarmed if there is a lot of that compiled with everything else.  I must also warn you that there my be a fair share of random opinions and science paraphernalia within the pages of this blog.  What can I say?  I am a geeky girl who loves her facts as much as her fiction.

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