Friday, September 12, 2014

Vance Joy!

I have another music post for you this week.  There have just been too many good songs coming out recently and I thought I would share them.  This particular album is pretty close to my heart.

Vance Joy is an Australian band, which is probably why I found their song while in Australia.  Their song Riptide was playing in the background of a commercial.  I don't know about you but I find a lot of music from commercials. Some commercials just have the best music. This song immediately became part of the soundtrack to my entire abroad experience (along with Blurred Lines...don't ask).

Well this past week this lovely band came out with a new, full length album called Dream Your Life Away.  I've spent a week listening to the album and I can say that it is quite a good one.  They once again mix their folksy feel and great lyrics to create a great album.

If you want to take a listen for yourself here is the album. I would recommend Georgia or Mess is Mine.

ox Caitlin 

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