Saturday, September 6, 2014

When Life Leaves You Gutted

I've been trying to write this for a few days.  I needed to write this down but I couldn't get the words to fit just right (if that makes any sense).  I hope this all makes sense and even if it does't it helped me get some feelings out into the open. So get ready because this post is going to get a little heavy.

Life is a funny thing.  It leaves people behind and passes people up.  It doesn't care who you love or who you hate anything can happen to anyone.  The good the bad it doesn't matter. We've seen the fragility of life in the deaths of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.  If you're like me, you may have felt your stomach drop when you realized Mrs. Doubtfire was gone and the fashion police would probably cease to exist.  However, recently these blows from life have come a little closer to home than I would like.

I learned just a few days ago that a person I spent a significant amount of time with last year has gotten very sick.  I haven't seen her for months and we weren't super close but it still feels strange.  She is probably the most positive person I've met and learning she was sick made me feel almost strangled. For me, the strangled feelings come from my inability to understand why some things happen.  As humans we are always looking for patterns and meaning so when something seems random, like sickness and death, we can't comprehend what life has just thrown our way.

I can tell you that I've learned that remembering the past and truly living are the most important things we can do. If a loved one is sick reach out to them and make them know that you are there for them.  It's also important to never take too many steps back because one step too far and life will be gone in a moment.

ox Caitlin


  1. Very true. Dealing with death and illness doesn't become easier as we get old either. However, we just kind of learn how to compartmentalize the trauma and shield ourselves a bit more.
